How to remove phone-screen scratches?

September 26, 2022

It’s not always a mission impossible to remove screen scratches. Often, it is something one can accomplish if have some time and patience. So, what does one need to know to polish it all? Let’s read and see.

First, figure out whether you deal with the “right” scratch. That means it is light, and even though you can see it perfectly well (and it drives you crazy, we know), you can hardly catch it with your fingernail. If it’s deep, it’s not screen functionality safe to try getting rid of it. However, it doesn’t mean you need to give up in this case. There is still something you can do. We will get back to that a little bit further in the article. 

Ok, the scratch is light, which means you can remove it. To do so, grab yourself one of the phone screen scratches removal sets. The difference between them is the number of polishing pastes. While one contains three pastes for removing very light, almost superficial scratches, the other has four for just light scratches.

When you have the right set and are ready for scratch-busting, clean the screen and use tape to isolate the unscratched surface from the scratch. 

Now, follow the instructions (depending on your kit).

Four Pastes Set

1. Use 2,000 Grit paste from your set to soften the edges of the scratch and reduce it. It might take up to 1 hour if you do the job manually. Tip* Move on to the next paste when you see that the scratch looks differently, and the current paste can not do anything else to it (everything has a limited potential). 

2. Take 4,000 Grit paste and polish the scratch even smaller. 

3. Use 8,000 Grit paste to remove the scratch. Ideally, the scratch is no more. 

4. Now, use the 50,000 Grit paste for the final polish. 

5. Keep in mind that phone screens can have coatings (oil-phobic coating, anti-reflection coating), and when you apply the diamond polishing paste, you not only get rid of the scratch but also polish off the coating. So, a glossy spot can appear where the scratch was. If you want this spot to disappear, you will need to polish the whole screen with the same pastes and polish off the coating from the rest of the screen. So, choose wisely. 

Three Pastes Set

Use it for light scratches.

1. Use 4,000 Grit paste to reduce the scratch.

2. Use 8,000 Grit paste to remove the scratch. Ideally, the scratch is no more. 

3. Now, use the 50,000 Grit paste for the final polish.

So, this is the way to say “Goodbye” to a scratch. 

However, if a scratch is deep, it’s better to put up with its presence. Although, you can make it slightly less annoying and noticeable. Use three pastes kit to do so. The steps are the same, but the desired result is different. Please, remember about the screen functionality and avoid overkill. 

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